Hey all my Pretty Girls! I'm sure you have all noticed a template change for my blog or as I would like to call it being: BLOG VAMPED! The reason for the change is because we are now officially celebrating!
Although this weekend is associated with Veterans Day, there's something else rather important happening in my life that NEEDS to be shared! In 17 days, my family and I will be the owners of a home, a home that we've been working our entire life for. Since I can remember, we've moved houses practically every year, but now we will finally have a place of our own; we have a home.
So, for this celebration the blog has been vamped and I would hope everyone loves the new look!
Also, I have some more exciting news! I am proud to announce that I've decided to spice up the blog even more to give the viewers, like yourselves, something to look forward to. Beginning December 1st, PrettyGirl.UglyLies is going to host the Blog Ball! It might sound funny and odd, but I'm sure you will all enjoy it through the christmas holidays. Check back daily for more information on the Blog Ball and how you can participate!
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